Camp Report, Prayer Request (July 2008)

Arizona Youth Camp

We thank all of you who were praying for our youth camp this past week. We were blessed with nine young people who claimed Christ as their savior (as much as we can know such things). This was such an encouraging camp! The amazing Westside Bible church team joined by Gary Horton, Bobby Joiner, the band from Logos Bible church in Ohio: Pete, Martin, Mark, Dave, Jack provided some great worship and praise music.

The teaching was exceptional, with Buck Hoskins, Gary, Larry Hoffman, Kendall Weekes, and yours truly. I am sure some of the campers made some great strides in their spiritual lives this week.

We ask that you continue to pray for those who entered the family of God, that He will surround them with His grace and protection as they begin their spiritual journey. we especially ask that you lift up two of our "walking miracles" Kendall and Sherri Johnson, both of them continue to battle cancer, yet radiate such joy and peace as they lift up and encourage others. Remember Kendall and his wife Martha, and Kurt and Sherri as they continue to be living examples of what it means to live by faith.

Peru Mission

Early tomorrow Nan and I will leave for our two week mission to Peru. We will be joined by my Sister Cindy Garcia, Joan Wainer, Jack and Alisabeth Jeffries, and Doug and Kristy Wray. Doug pastors a church in Kalispell and will help with the teaching at the conferences.

This year we will go first to Huancabamba, a city in the mountains known as the black magic/witchcraft center of Peru. While we know that the claims of these people are based on illusions and deception, we are also very aware that the enemy of men’s souls is serious about keeping men blinded to the light of the gospel. We need your prayers.

Our second conference will be in Chulucanas, where we held a pastors conference two years ago. We look forward to seeing the friends we made before, and meeting new fellow-soldiers of the faith. Please join us in your prayers over these next two weeks, that we will be faithful to the truth, and bold in our teaching. Pray that God will glorify His son Jesus Christ in the hearts and lives of these believers. Pray that we will declare the gospel in such clarity and simplicity that many may be delivered from the chains of darkness and find life and liberty through faith in Christ the Lord. we depend on the prayers of faithful believers to accomplish the work set before us, and look forward to sharing together in the fruit of the harvest. May God bless and strengthen each of you in your faith and service.

Rejoicing in His grace,
