To all prayer warriors,
This morning, I received sad news from India. Pastor Jayraj and his wife Lalitha have a daughter named Karyuna, who has suffered from epilepsy for some years. She grew into a lovely young lady and married a fine young man named Girish, who was well educated and got a fine job in IT work.
Just this last week, on his way home from work, he was attacked, beaten, and robbed by two masked men. He managed to get home, and they took him to the hospital, but he died three days later. Please pray for Karyuna, who is left with a small son and no means of support. The church her father pastors is in a very poor community. This is a heavy blow for them all.
Also, on Saturday morning our friend and sister-in-Christ, Mandy Rahrer, died after a long battle with cancer. She and her husband Perry accompanied us to Zambia for ministry, and have been involved in Bible teaching and evangelism work for years. Please pray for the family, for their great loss of a deeply loved wife and mother, and also celebrate Mandy’s victory over suffering and entrance into the presence of the King. Perry said she was listening to a Bible class on Hebrews 12 as she stepped from time into eternity.
Another request is for our contact in Nagaland—Throngji. He went through surgery to remove a tumor on his brain and has now developed a lesion that will require further radiation therapy. Please pray for Throngji and his wife Ayangla. They care for about 15 orphans and have a wide ministry among the Naga people.
Finally, our fellow-servant in Peru, Julio, recently lost his father. Please pray for all the extended family, that they will know the comfort of the Savior, and be able to use this loss to spread the message of salvation by grace through faith.
Thank you for joining us in prayer for these dear saints. Take a few moments from time-to-time to lift them up for strength and comfort. Truly, we “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep” (Rom 12:15), and we also realize that “those who weep [will be] as though they did not weep, those who rejoice as though they did not rejoice … for the form of this world is passing away” (1Co 7:30–31).
In the Savior’s service,
Gene and Nan